Windows Store Patch Download Whole Game

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Quantum Break’s troubled PC launch on the Windows 10 Store may not have been Gears of War Ultimate Edition-levels of bad, but it was far from ideal. A massive 27GB patch in May alleviated some problems, but feedback from sites like Eurogamer and (German) indicates that the game as a whole remains in pretty rough shape, especially on certain cards.

News that the title will get a Steam release and DirectX 11 support is interesting, but it’s left those who backed the title as a Windows 10 exclusive in a bit of a rough spot. Despite later patches in July, many Quantum Break users still report problems, especially on older cards as detailed by GameSpot.

Courtesy of GameSpot


Adding insult to injury, a follow-up tweet indicates that the developers expect the DX11 version on Steam may well be better than the DX12 version released on the Windows 10 store, noting “We have worked on this release for a while. We got [sic] a lot more experience in shipping DX11 titles.” Asked if the company would offer Steam codes to the Windows 10 buyers who bought the crappy “exclusive” version, Thomas Puha stated “We don’t make those business decisions. We make the game.”

“Random driver crashes make the game more challenging!” said no one, ever.

We don’t blame Remedy Entertainment for wanting to reach the widest possible audience, and we actually speculated that Quantum Break’s less-than ideal performance in DX12 might be linked to engine difficulties and inexperience. Even so, this isn’t going to sit right with buyers who forked over good cash for a substandard API implementation and are now essentially being told to buy the Steam version at full price if they want the experience they should’ve gotten in the first place. Microsoft’s complete failure to perform any kind of quality control on its Windows Store titles are indicative of its general failure to transform the Windows Store from a cesspool where garbage software goes to die to anything worth using — but it looks like it’ll be end-users who pay the price for Remedy’s lack of experience and Microsoft’s willingness to look the other way.

If Remedy wants to, well, remedy this situation, it should offer Steam codes to anyone who bought the game already on the Windows Store. As of this writing, the company has not announced any plans to do so. It’s not clear if the later game patches in June and July resolved the major problems with the GTX 970’s performance as reported on Eurogamer, but its clear that older NV cards are still having problems — and while gamers and enthusiasts have been arguing over DX12 performance on AMD vs. NV hardware for months now, ordinary gamers who bought a game expecting a high-quality experience shouldn’t be punished over poor optimization from a vendor.

If Quantum Break is in the shape that at least some users say it is, I’m not sure I’d recommend buying the game at all. A GTX 780 may not be a new card, but it should still be capable of a consistent 30 FPS at minimal detail levels. Rewarding the company for abandoning the Windows Store users who bought its game in the last few months isn’t exactly setting a great example.

GameWindows Store Patch Download Whole Game

Best Games In Windows Store

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