Allods Online Manual Patch Download

There is a new Just Cause 3 patch available. By Angus Morrison 2015-12-22T15:56:39.355Z. Comments; Shares. Today in short-but-important patch notes: Just Cause 3 version 1.021. From Here: Just.Cause.3.Cracked.Dedicated.Server.V0.9.8-REVOLT 5- Extract and edit config.json with your settings ( Use Notpad Or Notpad++ To Edit ) 6- Open Port TCP 4200 in your router. Just cause 3 latest patch download.

• The Balenos through Calpheon Monster Zones have been revamped due to the revamp of the Black Spirit quest flow. Black desert latest patch notes. Territory Monster Zone Recommended Level Balenos Cron Castle 14 – 17 Serendia Castle Ruins 18 – 21 Swamp Naga 19 – 22 Swamp Fogan 21 – 24 Watchtower 24 – 27 Orc Camp 23 – 26 Biraghi Den 24 – 27 Calpheon Karanda Ridge 26 – 29 Khuruto 27 – 31 Refugee Camp 30 – 32 Bree Tree Ruins 32 – 34 Caphras Cave 34 – 37 Mask Owl’s Forest 34 – 37 North Abandoned Quarry 35 – 38 Marni Farm Ruins 37 – 39 Glutoni Cave 39 – 40 Troll 39 – 42 Marni’s Lab 40 – 43 Saunil Camp 40 – 44 Primal Giant Post 42 – 45 • The HP and AP of the boss monsters summoned for the Black Spirit quests have been increased.

Security patch 8788 patch downloads. 2) i downloaded the repair tool, ran it, it still trys to download that 4.0.04 patch which gets stuck again at the same spot, 3) i uninstalled/Installed the game few times that did not work, so i uninstalled allods online already. GAME PATCH v. 1.4.4 v.1.5.0 US. Allods online patch 1.1.04 download, lol ph latest manual patch, sims 3 store Manual starcraft 2 1.4.3 manual patch allods update wont manual patch sims 3. 1.1 Hardcore mode, 1.2 Artisans, 1.3 Followers, 1.4 Auction house, 1.5 PvP many of the new.

Jun 24, 2012  * No need to change your system locale back, just keep it at Japanese. * With DAEMONtools, you can almost play any Japanese BL game you want, without needing blank disc to save it on!:D. Aug 26, 2012  togainu no chi install. One you get it installed you need to go to the official site and download the official patch. Good luck., 11:53 PM #5. Yaoi Amateur Join Date Nov 2010. I downloaded the files from Togainu thread (with english patch in it also the update) I did read the guide install from Togainu no Chi. Sep 01, 2017  Togainu no Chi complete english patch + Togainu no Chi game. DRAMAtical Murder complete english patch + game. DRAMAtical murder re:connect complete english patch + game. Sweet Pool partial patch + game. This is a partial patch. Posted: April 12, 2014 in English Patches, Togainu No Chi Tags: bl, english, nitro chiral, patch, togainu no chi, yaoi Patch made available by Yaoi Forever. Tioga no chi english patch download 2017. Games Download. Welcome~ Welcome to NITRO+CHIRAL PATHS, a nitro+CHiRAL fansite~ Here you'll find game walkthroughs, reviews, art, download linksa little bit of everything related to the nitro+CHiRAL universe (・∀・) Hope you enjoy your stay! Togainu no Chi english patch walkthrough: Shiki route (Good ending). #shiki #togainu no.

ruoriginal> Временно Тут
WARNING: possible syntax or other errors in the writing guide.
In this manual will be made and additional mutations both.
Also received comments and valid criticism.
Prepare the operating system to set the local game server.
As guinea OS take Windows 8.1x64
0. Download and configure the required server files and client:

server files:
MEGA (preconfigured local shard)
client files:

MEGA + (patch launch local game)

www folder:
billing server db:
debug console:
GM Console

1. Download and install Java JDK (JDK 7u3 x64 |JDK 7u3 x32)

Allods Online Gameplay

Prescribes variable JAVA_HOME:
Open the directory: right-click on 'My computer'
> Properties
> Advanced system settings
> Environment Variables..
> System variables
> 'New..' button
Variable name:

Variable value:
In my case, the path to the folder is registered Java, located in a folder within a directory server Vendors:
Look Screen:

What Happened To Allods Online

2. Download and install PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL x64 | PostgreSQL x32)

If you have an error, reporting the promblem with cluster, you should rollback installation,
create user postregs (and create password for user postgres), grant it administrator's previlegies and install postresql from new user.
After installation check 'Lauch Stack Builder'. select PSQL and push 'Next >' button.
And confirm all the actions till the end.

Start PostreSQL > 'pgAdmin III'
create database:

3. Download and install WAMP (wamp x64 | wamp x32)

Install software required for correct operation of WAMP (vcredist x64 | vcredist x32)
Install WAMP. PatchThats all.Download and extract the contents of the folder www: (www folder to wamp)
Start wamp, open phpMyAdmin and create databases:
Method number two:

Unpack the file 'acdben.php' directory: (C:wampwwwacdben.php) [DOWNLOAD]
Adjust in line 2usernameandpassword. In my version:username - rootpassword - root
Run 'phpMyAdmin'. Open your browser and goto address:

Look screen:

just need to create a user and assign privileges .. I used user root, privileged Grant All.

Open phpMyAdmin Go to 'Users'

Click the: 'Edit Privileges'

Click the 'Change password'

Enter new password and click 'Go'

Success - password is created!

4. Setting up server files
WARNING: To connect to the database I used PostgreSQL
To connect to the database I used phpMyAdmin
If your username and password are the same as mine the setup of the server will be minimal.

Configuring accountServer

Open Correct the username and password in accordance with your requirements:

Configuring billingServer

Open Correct the username and password in accordance with your requirements:

Configuring itemMallServer

Open Correct the ip and port in accordance with your requirements:

Configuring masterServer

Open Correct the username and password in accordance with your requirements:

Configuring shardOpen:Edit RAM to start shard:
Edit map.cfg (server/server_bin/shard/cfg/map.cfg(uncomment required maps & zones))
#map = /Maps/Kania_AL1/MapResource.xdb
# Далёкий астрал | Distant astral
#zone = /Maps/Kania_AL1/Zones/ArchipelagoLeague1/ArchipelagoLeague1.xdb
# Таинственный остров | Mysterious island
#zone = /Maps/Kania_AL1/Zones/ArchipelagoLeague1_2/ArchipelagoLeague1_2.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Астральный атолл | Astral atoll
#map = /Maps/Kania_AL2/MapResource.xdb
# Новая Земля | New Earth
#map = /Maps/Kania_AL3/MapResource.xdb
# Тенебра | Tenebra
#map = /Maps/Kania/MapResource.xdb
# Кания | Kania
#zone = /Maps/Kania/Zones/ZoneLeague1/ZL1_0Capital.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Новоград | Novograd
#zone = /Maps/Kania/Zones/ZoneLeague1/ZoneLeague1.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Светолесье | Lightwood
#zone = /Maps/Kania/Zones/ZoneLeague2/ZoneLeague2.xdb
# Сиверия | Seaver
#zone = /Maps/Kania/Zones/ZoneLeague3/ZoneLeague3.xdb
# Темноводье | Temnovode
#map = /Maps/Hadagan/MapResource.xdb
# Игш | Igsh
#zone = /Maps/Hadagan/Zones/ZoneHadagan1/ZoneHadagan1.xdb
# Незебград | Nezebgrad
#zone = /Maps/Hadagan/Zones/ZoneEmpire2/ZoneEmpire2.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Игшский военный округ | Igsh Military District
#zone = /Maps/Hadagan/Zones/ZoneEmpire3/ZoneEmpire3.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Мёртвое море | Dead sea
#map = /Maps/Hadagan/tower_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_Underground/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_AE1/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_AE2/MapResource.xdb
# Дикие острова | Wild island
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_AE3/MapResource.xdb
# Фабрика Грёз | Dream Factory
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_AE3/movie_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_E3_Miniinst/MapResource.xdb
# Большой Купол | Big Dome
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_E3_Miniinst/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/2ndCircle/MapResource.xdb
# Святая Земля | Holy Land
#zone = /Maps/2ndCircle/Zones/ZoneContested1/ZoneContested1.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Асээ-Тэпх | Asee-Teph
#zone = /Maps/2ndCircle/Zones/ZoneContested2/ZoneContested2.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Эльджун | Eldzhun
#zone = /Maps/2ndCircle/Zones/ZoneContested3/ZoneContested3.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Плато Коба | Plateau Koba
#map = /Maps/ZoneContested5/MapResource.xdb
# Тающий остров | Melting island
#map = /Maps/2ndCircle_AC1/MapResource.xdb
# Хладберг | Hladberg
#map = /Maps/2ndCircle_AC2/MapResource.xdb
# Авилон | Avilon
#map = /Maps/2ndCircle_AC3/MapResource.xdb
# Кольцо Дракона | Dragon Ring
#map = /Maps/2ndCircle_Goblinoball/MapResource.xdb
# Остров головорезов | Cutthroat island
#map = /Maps/Inst_PlagueCastle/MapResource.xdb
# Зачумлённый замок | Accursed castle
#map = /Maps/Inst_PlagueCastle/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_SecretLab/MapResource.xdb
# Секретная лаборатория | Secret laboratory
#map = /Maps/Inst_SecretLab/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_miniTenzisTemple_League/MapResource.xdb
# Малый Храм Тенсеса | Small Temple Tenses
#map = /Maps/Inst_miniTenzisTemple_Empire/MapResource.xdb
# Малый Храм Тенсеса | Small Temple Tenses
#map = /Maps/Inst_TenzisTemple/MapResource.xdb
# Храм Тенсеса | Temple Tenses
#map = /Maps/Inst_TenzisTemple/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_GurluhsorTower/MapResource.xdb
# Город демонов | City demons
#map = /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/MapResource.xdb
# Стартовый остров Лиги | Entry island League
#zone = /Maps/Inst_LeagueStart/Zones/InstLeague1/InstLeague1.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Башня Великого мага | Great Mage Tower
#map = /Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/MapResource.xdb
# Стартовый остров Империи | Entry island Empire
#zone = /Maps/Inst_EmpireStart/Zones/InstEmpire1/InstEmpire1.(ZoneResource).xdb
# Корабль Империи 'Непобедимый' | Ship Empire 'Invincible'
#map = /Maps/Inst_Empire1End/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_Empire1End/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_Liga1End/MapResource.xdb
# Орешек | Nutlet
#map = /Maps/Inst_Liga1End/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_Liga3End/MapResource.xdb
# Цитадель Тьмы | Citadel of Darkness
#map = /Maps/Inst_Liga3End/heroic_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested4/MapResource.xdb
# Осколок Язеса | Splinter Yazes
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle01/MapResource.xdb
# Лаборатория №9 | Laboratory №9
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle02/MapResource.xdb
# Заверть | Weathertop
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle03/MapResource.xdb
# Волчий остров | Wolf island
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle04/MapResource.xdb
# Осколок Силы | Splinter Force
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle05/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Проклятых | Shutter Island
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle06/MapResource.xdb
# Зелёный лабиринт | Green maze
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle07/MapResource.xdb
# Тихие холмы | Whispering hills
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle08/MapResource.xdb
# Пропавший остров | missing island
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle09/MapResource.xdb
# Остров гоблинов | Island goblins
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle10/MapResource.xdb
# Сердце Огня | Heart of Fire
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle11/MapResource.xdb
# Гробница | tomb
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle12/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Грани | Island Verge
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle13/MapResource.xdb
# Астральный Шип | Astral Ship
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle14/MapResource.xdb
# Горнило | hearth
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle15/MapResource.xdb
# Енох | Enoch
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle16/MapResource.xdb
# Белый-17 | White-17
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle17/MapResource.xdb
# Карнавал Фантазий | Carnival Fantasy
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle18/MapResource.xdb
# Старая выработка | Old development
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle19/MapResource.xdb
# Прибежище еретиков | Sanctuary heretics
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle20/MapResource.xdb
# Руины Тлалькоа | Ruins Tlalkoa
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle21/MapResource.xdb
# Осквернённый лес | Felwood
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle22/MapResource.xdb
# Ледяной чертог | Ice palace
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle23/MapResource.xdb
# Старый маяк | Old lighthouse
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle24/MapResource.xdb
# Кьёльтмарк | Kёltmark
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle25/MapResource.xdb
# Белая гора | White Mountain
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle26/MapResource.xdb
# Ясногорье | clear mountain
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle27/MapResource.xdb
# Коч-Ицмаль | Koch-Itsmal
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle28/MapResource.xdb
# Гнилотопь | rotten swamp
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle29/MapResource.xdb
# Земля Тысячи Крыльев | Land of a Thousand Wings
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle30/MapResource.xdb
# Зона-51 | Zona 51
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle31/MapResource.xdb
# Пропавшая экспедиция | The Lost Expedition
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle32/MapResource.xdb
# Чёрная скала | Black Rock
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle33/MapResource.xdb
# Обитель Фении | Abode of the Fenians
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle34/MapResource.xdb
# Подводное царство | Underwater
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle35/MapResource.xdb
# Пепелище | the ashes
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle37/MapResource.xdb
# Металлоград | Metallograd
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle40/MapResource.xdb
# Джунгли Мбоа-Мбоа | Jungle Mboa-Mboa
#map = /Maps/AstralHangarHadagan/MapResource.xdb
# Ангар. Хадаган | Hangar. Hadagan
#map = /Maps/AstralHangarLeague/MapResource.xdb
# Ангар. Лига | Hangar. League
#map = /Maps/AstralHangarHadagan/HiEnd_MapResource.xdb
# Ангар. Хадаган. Остров Откровения | Hangar. Hadagan. Isle of Revelation
#map = /Maps/AstralHangarLeague/HiEnd_MapResource.xdb
# Ангар. Лига. Остров Откровения | Hangar. League. Isle of Revelation
#map = /Maps/HaloIsle/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Агруса | Island Agrus
#map = /Maps/PetRealm/MapResource.xdb
# Царство Природы | kingdom of Nature
#map = /Maps/AstralIsleBoss/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Мёртвых | Isle of the Dead
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoGipatsShard/MapResource.xdb
# Осколок Гипата | Splinter Hypatia
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoGipatsShard/cave_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_GipatCave/MapResource.xdb
# Храм джунов | Juno Temple
#map = /Maps/Maze_KHD/MapResource.xdb
# Катакомбы джунов | Catacombs of Juneau
#map = /Maps/Inst_Liga1End/astral_MapResource.xdb
# Орешек | nutlet
#map = /Maps/Inst_Empire1End/astral_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_E3_Miniinst/astral_MapResource.xdb
# Большой Купол | Big Dome
#map = /Maps/Inst_Liga3End/astral_MapResource.xdb
# Цитадель Тьмы | Citadel of Darkness
#map = /Maps/Inst_PlagueCastle/astral_MapResource.xdb
# Проклятый замок | Accursed castle
#map = /Maps/Inst_SecretLab/astral_MapResource.xdb
# 13-я лаборатория | 13th Lab
#map = /Maps/Inst_TenzisTemple/astral_MapResource.xdb
# Храм Тенсеса | Temple Tenses
#map = /Maps/Inst_GipatCave/heroic_MapResource.xdb
# Пещеры Гипата | Caves Hypatia
#map = /Maps/ZoneContested4/MapResource.xdb
# Кирах | Kirah
#map = /Maps/ZC4_Cave/MapResource.xdb
# Пещера сердца дракона | Cave Dragon Heart
#map = /Maps/ZC4_Isle01/MapResource.xdb
# Астральный погост | Astral graveyard
#map = /Maps/ZC4_Isle02/MapResource.xdb
# Могила джуна | Tomb Juna
#map = /Maps/ZoneContested4/mole_MapResource.xdb
# Кирах | Kirah
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested5/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Откровения | Isle of Revelation
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested6/MapResource.xdb
# Сумрачный остров | Shadow island
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested6/ship_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/ElementalPlateu/MapResource.xdb
# Царство Стихий | kingdom of Elements
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/MapResource.xdb
# Здравница 'Небесная' | The sanatorium 'Heavenly'
#map = /Maps/Inst_HeroesArena/MapResource.xdb
# Мавзолей Искр | Mausoleum of Sparks
#map = /Maps/MM_Pvp_Arena/MapResource.xdb
# Арена смерти | Arena's death
#map = /Maps/Tropical_Atoll/MapResource.xdb
# Тропический атолл | Tropical Atoll
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested7/Isle_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested7/Cave_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested7/MapResource.xdb
# Фронтир | frontier
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested8/MapResource.xdb
# Блуждающий остров | Wandering island
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested8_inst/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested9/MapResource.xdb
# Колыбель | cradle
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested9/Bosses_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested9_Tep_Island/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/ArchipelagoContested9_build_instance/first_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Domination/MapResource.xdb
# Ведьмин яр | Witch ravine
#map = /Maps/Inst_DeadCity/MapResource.xdb
# Мёртвый город | dead City
#map = /Maps/Hadagan_Sanatorium/alternative_MapResource.xdb
# Здравница 'Небесная' | The sanatorium 'Heavenly'
#map = /Maps/AstralOutpostHadagan/MapResource.xdb
# Дальняя застава Империи | The far outpost of the Empire
#map = /Maps/AstralOutpostKania/MapResource.xdb
# Далёкая станица Лиги | Distant village League
#map = /Maps/Domination02/MapResource.xdb
# Дикий хутор | Wild farm
#map = /Maps/EP_Volcano/MapResource.xdb
# Жерло вулкана | vent
#map = /Maps/TWarArena/MapResource.xdb
# Астральное испытание | Astral test
#map = /Maps/TWars2_Isle_01/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Буян | Buyan Island
#map = /Maps/PlayerIsle_Observation/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_TkaRika/NonScale_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/Inst_TkaRika/Scale_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/SettingSelectZone/MapResource.xdb
# Смотровая площадка | viewpoint
#map = /Maps/Hadagan/OldSquare_MapResource.xdb
# Старая площадь | Old Square
#map = /Maps/PlayersAllod01/MapResource.xdb
# Недавно созданный аллод | The newly created allodium
#map = /Maps/PlayersAllod02/MapResource.xdb
# Недавно созданный аллод | The newly created allodium
#map = /Maps/PlayersAllod03/MapResource.xdb
# Недавно созданный аллод | The newly created allodium
#map = /Maps/SummerBoss/MapResource.xdb
# Смородиновка | Smorodinovka
#map = /Maps/2ndCircle_Goblinoball_New/MapResource.xdb
# Остров головорезов | Cutthroat island
#map = /Maps/ZoneContested6_inst/MapResource.xdb
# Пустота | void
#map = /Maps/IllusionWorld_Inst/MapResource.xdb
# Иллюзорный мир | Illusory world
#map = /Maps/IllusionWorld/MapResource.xdb
# Жемчужное Кольцо | Pearl Ring
#map = /Maps/RealWorld/MapResource.xdb
# Ирдрих | Irdrih
#map = /Maps/Inst_TepPyramid/MapResource.xdb
# Пирамида Тэпа | Pyramid Tap
#map = /Maps/ZoneContested6_inst/Epyramid_MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/ZoneContested6_inst/Lpyramid_MapResource.xdb
# Стылый пик | Icy peak
#map = /Maps/MW_Isle01/MapResource.xdb
# Лаборатория №9 | Laboratory №9
#map = /Maps/MW_Isle02/MapResource.xdb
# Заверть | Weathertop
#map = /Maps/MW_Isle03/MapResource.xdb
# Осколок Силы | Splinter Force
#map = /Maps/MW_Isle04/MapResource.xdb
# Остров Проклятых | Shutter Island
#map = /Maps/AstralDungeon01/MapResource.xdb
# Отражение Храма джунов | Reflection of the Temple of Juno
#map = /Maps/AstralDungeon02/MapResource.xdb
# Отражение Цитадели Тьмы | Reflection of the Citadel of Darkness
#map = /Maps/AstralDungeon03/MapResource.xdb
# Отражение Зачумлённого замка | Reflection of the Cursed Castle
#map = /Maps/AstralDungeon04/MapResource.xdb
# Отражение Храма Тенсеса | Reflection Temple Tensess
#map = /Maps/RealWorld/Tower_MapResource.xdb
# Ирдрих | Irdrih
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle36/MapResource.xdb
# Тридевятый остров | Three ninth island
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle38/MapResource.xdb
# Черепаший остров | Turtle Island
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle39/MapResource.xdb
# Узилище | The Slave Pens
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle41/MapResource.xdb
# Изумрудный остров | Emerald Isle
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle42/MapResource.xdb
# Утиный плёс | duck Reach
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle43/MapResource.xdb
# Поместье Кровавой графини | Manor Bloody Countess
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle44/MapResource.xdb
# Санаторий 'Снежинка' | Sanatorium 'Snowflake'
#map = /Maps/AstralIsle47/MapResource.xdb
# Мёртвые холмы | dead hills
#map = /Maps/AstralHangarHadagan_VIP/MapResource.xdb
# Астральная академия | Astral Academy
#map = /Maps/AstralHangarLeague_VIP/MapResource.xdb
# Астральная академия | Astral Academy
#map = /Maps/RealWorld/WhiteRoom_MapResource.(MapResource).xdb
# Ирдрих. Межреальность | Irdrih. between reality
#map = /Maps/PlayerIsle_Dungeon/MapResource.xdb
#map = /Maps/PlayerIsle_Dungeon/Pillage_MapResource.xdb
# Личный аллод | Personal allodium
Open Correct the username and password in accordance with your requirements:

Configuring php.ini
Open php.ini (from wamp tray)Search for:And in the next line insertThe result should look like this:

Configure accountExample.php
Open:Edit password and username, then change account status:Example:This will create a gaming account as:
login: igrun.igrunov
password: playerok

5. Starting server

By the time the server starts WAMP & PostgreSQL should be run
Start account server:run the startAccountServer_local.bat
If account server started, the CMD console will display a message:

Create your first game an account
Type in your browser:
If the bottom of the page you will see the word: 'SUCCESS'
So did everything correctly and your account as the first - created!

Start billing server:
run the startLocalBillingServer.bat
If billing server started, the CMD console will display a message:

Start itemmall server:run the startLocalItemMallServer.bat
If item mall server started, the CMD console will display a message:

Completed database billingserver: open phpMyAdmin (Download: allods_billing_rs_4_0_02.sql)
Select the database allods_billing_rs_4_0_02
Next, go to the tab: Import
Select the desired file by pressing: Choose file
Then press: Go
After a few seconds the database is full.
Commodity prices can change at their discretion.
Making changes to the file with a text, the editor, or directly working with the database in phpMyAdmin.

Start time checker:run the startTimeChecker.bat
If time checker started, the CMD console will display a message:

Start master server:run the startMasterServerLocal.bat
If master server started, the CMD console will display a message:

Start shard:run the startServerDefault.bat
If shard started, the CMD console will display a message:

6. launch the game client

Download the client and patch for the game on the local server (client |patch)
Start the game with the desired localization possible.
Using a bat - files:

7. Tweaking
Access levelUser
The configuration files accountserver and shard set 'build': FinalRelease
Starts the server. create an account with rights: User
Entering the game, create a character and..
example: server/accountServer/cfg/shard_local.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><config name='Ragezone Forever' build='FinalRelease' serversNeed='1' mapServicesAmount='1'>
<net basePort='9000' datagramPort='8000' bindPortsRange='15'/>
<logging kind='none'/>

Allods Wiki

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<config name='Ragezone Forever' comment=' maxUsers='1000' build='FinalRelease'>
<net basePort='10000' consoleAccessPort='9856'/>
<resourceSystem restrictedMapsLoading='true' storeXdbLinks='true' checkResourceSystemIndex='false'/>

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everything works fine! WARNING: This variant don't work to IP:

Everything works!

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Thank you for reading this guide.
And Good Luck Guys!