I've been playing SW:TOR for about a week now, and the game has been completing the download in the background.
I wouldn't worry about it until the patch is done. If the servers are back up and you're still stuck like that, stop the patcher then delete the.XFR files in your SWTOR Bit Raider folder and it will force a check and start again. This is assuming you're using the standard launcher and didn't disable bitraider.
It stopped at 99.18% downloaded three days ago. Now, I'm level ten and finished on my planet, but I can't get off the planet because the game 'is not fully downloaded'. How do I get my computer to finish that last percent of download?
kalina1 Answer
Why Won't My Swtor Patch Download
This sounds like an issue with the patch streaming mode. Now that you're done the starter planet you don't need it, so you can disable it and hopefully the regular patch with work.
To do that, go to the folder where SWTOR is installed and open the launcher.settings
file. Find each of these three lines:
and replace them with these three:
This might cause a redownload of the game, but it should complete this time.
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Is this normal? I'm patching up in prep of the 4.1 release, but my updater's been craaaaawling from 95% through 98% for like a half hour or more now. Reads 'Installing / Updating / Complete' and hasn't moved in some time.
I tried googling around to figure out what's going on but got no conclusive explanations. I've tried quitting the launcher and restarting it, didn't help. I also tried One Weird Trick and set the process affinity to single core, no help.
EDIT: Okay, it FINALLY completed. I think I'm gonna take the advice below and scrap bitraider, though. I had nothing else coming down my fiber and there's no reason it should've taken that long.